In the schools where we share the Gospel, we always ask if the school has a Bible Club. These are extracurricular clubs that meet once a week after schools hours and are completely voluntary. In many of the schools, where there are Christian teachers, they already have established Bible Clubs. In these schools, we ask if the local pastor can assist with the club. The teachers who lead these clubs are very welcoming for the help. Circle J Ministries assists by providing lessons and having these lessons translated into Chichewa and Timbuka.
There are a lot of schools, especially in the northern region, that do not have established Bible Clubs. In these schools, we ask the head masters if we could be allowed to establish Bible Clubs in their schools. Almost every time we have asked, they have been most welcoming. Local pastors will visit these schools once a week and, in conjuction with teachers in these schools, teach Bible lessons. We have established several clubs in both primary (elementary and Junior High) and secondary (High School) schools. The lessons in the primary schools are taught in wither Chichewa or Tibuka and the lessons in the secondary schools are taught in English.