We have planned two to three trips to Malawi every year since 2010. Some trips, Randall goes alone. Trips made at the beginning of the summer are always group trips. We have taken as many as eleven people on these trips and can always use more. We are allowed to preach the Gospel in the schools, so every man who goes on the trip will preach in two to three schools every day and again at a showing of the Jesus Film in the bush every evening. We traditionally minister in the rural areas around Lilongwe and Blantyre where most mission groups do not go.
We have just begun a ministry to the Ngoni people in the northern part of Malawi, a group of approximately 204,000 people who are descendants of the Zulu people. After the Great Zulu Wars, the Zulu dispersed across all of southeast Africa. The Ngoni are listed as unreached by the International Mission Board, meaning they are less than 2% Christian. Most people in Malawi speak Chichewa while the Ngoni speak Tumbuka. In 2019, Circle J Ministries made trips to Jenda and Mzuzu. Both of these towns are in the area inhabited by the Ngoni people. We were able to plant churches in both of these areas.
In April of 2019, Circle J Ministries took a set of self-contained Jesus Film equipment, translated into Tumbuka, up to the Ngoni area where we were able to minister for a week. Since then, we have taken 5 addiitonal sets of equipment to that area and local pastors are able to show the Jesus Film throughout the year, even when we are not in the country.
We were able to plant one church and start several Bible Clubs in the local schools there. Also in 2019, in conjunction with First Baptist Church, Rusk, Texas, and the Baptist churches of Malawi, Circle J Ministries wrote and published a follow-up tract for distribution after showings of the Jesus Film. We believe these tracts will greatly increase effectiveness in following up with those who respond to the Gospel. Since 2018, Circle J Ministries has been teaching Discipleship Seminars in local churches in the Lilongwe and Blantyre areas.